The sucks damn thing

I hate yesterday!!

Why? because there are a lot of thing that makes me want to crack someone's neck.
1. from office: a lot of low educational ppl. They asking for help like asking for order!! WTF!! I hate being scolded with no reason. They can not be more polite. YEAH!! they're idiot!

2. I found fucking shit oldman, the police number is AA 842x RB. He wants to turn around his car, my car was on the edge of pedestrian. ACTUALLY HE CAN USE HIS BRAIN!! but he didn't!!
He won't go backwards then turn around his car, instead of keeping hit the pedal to turn his car with mocking my dad!! It's OKAY stupid oldman!! FUCK YOU!!! HOPE YOUR BRAKE DIDN'T WORK!!!
I am still remember his face, just an ugly old man with stupid wife. His wife seems hijabers, but she DIDN'T SHOW an attitude regarding her outfit!!
I hate it hate it!!! if that was me, I will come out from my car and punch their window glass OR will leave a mark on their car body!! DAMN COUPLE!!! FUCK YOU!!!
3. The internal problem that difficult to solve. ONLY MIRACLE

Yep, that was a glimpse from my yesterday.

Anything goes smooth, under control and perfect! 8D
But the rain won't stop!! Starts at 05.00 pm until now (6.36 pm) it's been an hour.

nah nah nah~ stop babbling and I will post another tags~
Thank you for reading

words for today: "A brave heart determined by your reason to life" 


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