Unfairness Part 2

Today I planned to continue my blog.

The second story is 'There are Mr tell me sonething I don't know' in office.
Mr Inoi we called him

One day he came at the office, he is more like my boss' tail, he follows our boss to anywhere.
Maybe if we had dungeon for prison, he will be the first guest.

Talked about Mr Inoi, I feel like I want to spit all food in my mouth.
He was so boastful.
He talked much than doing something affordable.

Unfairness Part 1


Finally it's 2013
I have to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!

I've got work in my hometown. So pleased I've been here almost a year.
There are many difficulties when I did my job

Being stabbed from behind is our meals. This is only small factory, but I hope this factory will growth wider and wider.
I would be so pleased if I'm one of ppl who participate on this going concern project.

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