Unfairness Part 2

Today I planned to continue my blog.

The second story is 'There are Mr tell me sonething I don't know' in office.
Mr Inoi we called him

One day he came at the office, he is more like my boss' tail, he follows our boss to anywhere.
Maybe if we had dungeon for prison, he will be the first guest.

Talked about Mr Inoi, I feel like I want to spit all food in my mouth.
He was so boastful.
He talked much than doing something affordable.

Most of us hates him, because his attitude is so bossy, though our boss is not.
He said he can handle anything.
He said he can count cost of good sold
He said he have to do this and that.

all that is BIG BULL SHIT!!!
Nobody trust him, even my boss, he is starting to be curious is he can work properly or not.
When my boss ask him to do something, he will ask us to do it. At the end, he will use our opinion to get faces from our boss.

Yes he is such a face seeker.

One day I call him, then I recorded his babbling nonsense into my phone.
The duration is about 9.07 minutes. To long for babbling around.

Someday I will give those record to my boss.

Unfortunately, our boss is still believe him, that's makes us in the difficult situation.

ME!! Yes! I am the one who will to kick him from here

He nearly made my friend lost her jobs, because of this shitty Mr. Inoi.
He said my friend can do her work, then he babbling to my boss, so my boss believe and gave my friend penalty.

Well sometime I thought that killing ppl like him is worth enough for earth!!!

He said he is a lecturer from x university haha but he didn't want to mention which uni that he work. I think that was BITCH UNVERSITY!!!

Yes because he ever got scandal with underage girl, but then they divorce.

This inoi had divorce twice, haha he is fail as a man. LOL *better he hanging his self eh?* LMAO

He said he taught Accounting Intermediate, but when he ask to make finance statement,
he can do NOTHING hahahah Loser is a loser right?

I don't know wht God create such this ppl... maybe just for completeness space of earth? who knows?

He said he got a lot of client as a consultant.
what consultant?? marital consultant? This will totally fail.
finance consultant? LOLOLOLOLOL yes we'll se if he can make a financial statement

Now he on meeting with our boss. Let's see what he can do??
Even he didn't know : COD term
He said COD is Cash Delivery Order hahahaha THIS IS WAS SO IDIOT!!! HE SAID HE IS LECTURE!! ACCOUNTING LECTURE!! ahahahah yeaah Bitch university ~
COD is cash on delivery ofc

maybe he will run internet cafe business, or he will make a websites? BUT HE CAN DO NOTHING WITH HIS GIVEN LAPTOP !!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAH this fucking moron always made me laugh, even the devil laugh in hell.

Yep this is last chapter of the unfairness at my office.
I am gonna write here every second detail of what happen in my office.

**BUT I WILL REVEAL SECRET THAT OUR BOSS TOLD ME** sorry , that was my kind of professionalism.


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