Let's see, everybody who likes AKB48, will have one or more favourite member. This is called 'Oshi'
There are Oshi group, oshimen (oshi membaa), kami oshi, etc. 推し『oshi』here is very interesting to be talked. Some of my friend were into hard debating guessing their oshimen's trivia, LOL. Well, since I'm starting to like AKB48, I would like to share who is my 推しメン、さぁ行くぜぇ~!
In AKB there are two type member, first is the original member. Means they were selected for AKB unit. And the second one is SEED, they are choosen for kenkyuusei , then they will put in AKB in shuffle.
For my favourite AKB member is:



会長は、リポットが出来なければなりませんでした、ギリギリと思いしました、(* ̄m ̄)

でも今はよかった、お仕事は終わりました!!!ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
今日は社長がある、私はよく頑張ります!(笑)( ̄ー ̄)


Grab video from protected video (dailymotion)

Hi Everyone~

I want to share, grabbing private video from dailymotion. May other people already know it.

I want to share this, because I was stuck since yesterday.
I want to grab video from dailymotion but it was from protected account (private)
I know it's rude but I AM BADLY WANT THOSE PV!!! :))))

Well check this out~!!

AKB48's 33rd Single [Heart Ereki] center: Kojiharu

During the 4th Janken Tournament, AKB48 performed their 33rd single for the first time. This year's cool single, to be released on October 30, is called [Heart Ereki]. Kojima Haruna was surprisingly picked as center.

Apart from an unexpected center, some other interesting choices have been made for senbatsu. AKB48's Kawaei Rina and Iriyama Anna who up till now only have been selected for the mass senbatsu of [Manatsu no Sounds Good] and [Sayonara Crawl], are in as well as HKT48's Ota Aika who hasn't been in AKB48 senbatsu since [Everyday, Kachuusha].

All senbatsu members have a special nickname only for this song which is indicated in brackets in the senbatsu list below.

Mid-Autumn Festival

Hi everybody,
since it's time for Autumn, I will share a few things about Mid-Autumn Festival, since I was celebrated those event.

Let's check it out !!

 Making and sharing mooncakes is one of the hallmark traditions of this festival. In Chinese culture, a round shape symbolizes completeness and unity. Thus, the sharing of round mooncakes among family members signify the completeness and unity of families.In some areas of China, there is a tradition of making mooncakes during the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.The senior person in that household would cut the mooncakes into pieces and distribute them to each family member, signifying family reunion.In modern times, however, making mooncakes at home has given way to the more popular custom of giving mooncakes to family members, although the meaning of maintaining familial unity remains.Although typical mooncakes can be around a few inches in diameter, imperial chefs have made some as large as several feet in diameter, with its surface impressed with designs of Chang'e, cassia trees, or the Moon-Palace.One tradition is to pile 13 mooncakes on top of each other to mimic a pagoda, the number 13 being chosen to represent the 13 months in a full lunar year.

Tadaaaahh...... New Template

Hi Everybody!

Finally I change my template with the new one :)
After a half day stuck searching for suitable skin, then I've got this skin.
Still chocolate, and it's simple....

Thanks for the template maker~!!

I love designing,
I wish I could make my own template someday!

Since I was busy with my factory ^^

Thanks for visit!!


This girl I should learn about

Hello everyone!

Today I’ve told by my friend, and I was touched by her story. She seems had a lot of suffered in her life. I am so sorry for her. Frankly I thought she didn’t deserved for having all of this. I will tell you how she survive alone in the midst of uncertainty.
Let’s say her name is Kate. She is the first daughter from two siblings. She has a young brother. As the first daughter she have to carried the responsibility both of parents and brother. 
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